Bursary Honouring Veteran Builder to Help Heritage Carpentry Students

Photo of Mike MartinMike Martin, a graduate of Algonquin College’s General Carpenter program, built a successful home renovation business, as well as a reputation as a dedicated, results-driven advocate. His passion for professionalism widely benefited the industry, as well as all Canadians who were looking to renovate their homes.

Before passing away from CNS Brain Lymphoma earlier this year, Mike was a long-standing member and committed volunteer of the Greater Ottawa Home Builders’ Association (GOHBA), where he was an instrumental force in bringing the RenoMark program to Ottawa, which continues to promote and improve industry standards. According to Jason Burggraaf, Executive Director of GOHBA, “Part of the appeal of joining GOHBA for many is having the opportunity to give back. Mike was a standout example of someone who wanted to help others in the industry succeed just like he did.”

In addition to supporting his fellow renovators at the local level, Mike was a leading proponent on many important initiatives on the provincial and national stage through the Ontario Home Builders’ Association and Canadian Home Builders’ Association, where he also served as Chair of their respective Renovator Councils. Mike made it a focus at all levels of the association to combat the underground economy and ensure that consumers “get it in writing” so that they had assurance they were dealing with a professional.

Preserving historical architecture was an area of particular interest to Mike, which is why the Heritage Carpentry and Joinery program was chosen. Mike’s wife and co-business owner, residential and commercial designer Suzanne Martin, describes how he and his company team enjoyed undertaking renovations that “blended seamlessly” with a structure’s original craftsmanship. She relates how Mike’s professional skills and interests run in his family. His grandfather was a carpenter and his father founded the Labrador Heritage Society. Suzanne describes Mike as someone who always wanted to help people, both in his personal and professional life.

After Mike’s passing, a number of his friends at GOHBA discussed ideas for honouring his memory. Says Jason, “They wanted to carry on his legacy of giving back.” The outcome was a successful fundraising drive that raised more than $25,000 through the association to establish an endowed bursary in Mike’s name that annually supports a student enrolled in the Heritage Carpentry and Joinery program at Algonquin College’s Perth campus. The response among members, at all three levels of the association was, as Jason characterizes it, “very enthusiastic. So many people knew Mike as an outgoing and caring person, and they wanted to support his legacy. Mike demonstrated what a fulfilling career choice it can be to work in our industry.” According to Jason, Algonquin made it easy for GOHBA to set up the bursary and launch the fundraising campaign.

In 2019 GOHBA awarded Mike an honorary membership for his contribution and commitment to the professional renovation industry.

“Mike took on leadership roles at the local, provincial and national levels of the Home Builders’ Association, because he believed in giving back to the industry, and that the best way to promote professionalism was to set the example yourself,” said Steve Barkhouse, President of Amsted Design-Build and a long-time friend of Martin.

Learn more about the Mike Martin Heritage Carpentry and Joinery Bursary here.


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