Algonquin College Receives $25,000 Grant from Bell Let’s Talk Post-Secondary Fund

Student leaning against postThanks to $25,000 in funding announced this week through Bell Let’s Talk, Algonquin College will be conducting an audit to assess its current mental health support services and the mental health needs of students.

“Algonquin is extremely thankful for Bell’s contribution – it will help strengthen mental health supports and services to our learners, at a time of heightened need,” said Laura Stanbra, Algonquin’s Vice President, Student Services.

The funding comes as part of $3 million in Bell Let’s Talk grants awarded to 123 Canadian colleges and universities to support them in the initial implementation of the National Standard of Canada for Mental Health and Well-Being for Post-Secondary Students. The Standard has been established by the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) in partnership with the Canadian Standards Association.

“One of the first steps recommended by the MHCC is to perform an overall assessment to measure how well our current level of service is meeting the needs of our students. The information we derive from the audit will better position the College to conform with the Standard,” said Doug Stringer, Manager of Algonquin’s Counselling Services and Spiritual Centre.

The Standard is a first of its kind in the world, and helps post-secondary institutions increase awareness, reduce stigma, improve life and resiliency skills, and create a healthier and safer educational environment overall. Bell Let’s Talk funding helped enable the creation of the Standard.


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