AC Way Tool Highlight – SCAMPER

So, you have a process you’d like to improve – maybe it works, and you just want it to be better, or maybe the current process leaves a lot to be desired. You’ve followed the DMAIC framework and defined the problem. Next you measured the process and analyzed the data available to you, and now you’d like to move to the next step – Improve.

But how do you make sure you get the best improvement ideas out of everyone?

This is where SCAMPER comes in

SCAMPER is a creative thinking technique used for continuous improvement and is a great way to spark innovative approaches to improving services and processes. Each letter in “SCAMPER” stands for a different prompt to stimulate ideas.

  • Substitute
  • Combine
  • Adapt
  • Modify/Magnify
  • Put to another use
  • Eliminate/Minimize
  • Reverse/Rearrange

Here’s how you can use it:

  1. Substitute: Identify elements that can be substituted with something else. Ask yourself, “What if I replaced X with Y?” examples
Original Substitute
Plastic water bottles Replace plastic with biodegradable materials like cornstarch for eco-friendly bottles
Taxi rides Replace traditional taxis with ride-sharing services that use electric vehicles for a more sustainable transportation option
Traditional lectures Replace lectures with interactive online modules that incorporate videos, quizzes, and discussions for better engagement.
In-person job interviews Replace in-person interviews with video interviews to streamline the hiring process and reduce travel costs.


  1. Combine: Think about how you can combine different elements or ideas to create something new. Ask, “What if I merged X and Y? What new possibilities could arise?”
Original Combination
Alarm clock + Coffee maker Create an alarm clock that also brews a fresh cup of coffee to wake you up with the aroma.
Gym + Childcare Introduce on-site childcare services at the gym, allowing parents to work out while their kids are supervised.
History class + Virtual reality Combine history lessons with virtual reality experiences to allow students to “travel” to historical events and places.
Employee training + Gamification Combine employee training programs with gamified elements to make learning more engaging and interactive.


  1. Adapt: Consider how you can adapt an existing idea or process to better suit your needs. Ask, “How could I adapt X to solve this problem?”
Original Adaptation
Traditional light switch Motion-sensor light switches that activate when someone enters a room to save energy.
Restaurant dining Offer a virtual dining experience where customers can use augmented reality to “visit” the restaurant and interact with the menu before ordering online.
Learning Material: Textbooks Transform textbooks into multimedia e-books that include animations, simulations, and interactive elements.
Fixed work hours Implement flexible work hours or remote work options to accommodate different employee preferences and needs.


  1. Modify/Magnify: Think about making changes or enhancements to an idea, process, or product. Ask, “How could I modify X to improve it? What if I increased or decreased certain aspects?”
Original Modification
Smartphone battery life Increase smartphone battery life by using more energy-efficient components and software optimizations.
Fitness classes Increase personalization by offering fitness classes tailored to specific health goals and individual abilities.
Note-taking Introduce mind mapping techniques to help students visually organize and understand complex concepts.
Annual performance appraisals Increase the frequency of performance feedback by conducting quarterly reviews to provide more timely guidance.


  1. Put to another use: Explore alternative applications for an existing idea or product. Ask, “How else could I use X? What other purposes could it serve?”
Original Put To Another Use
Shipping containers Repurpose shipping containers as affordable and modular housing units.
Food delivery service Utilize the food delivery network to also deliver essential items like medication and groceries to seniors or individuals with limited mobility.
Classroom Tool: Whiteboards Turn classroom whiteboards into collaborative problem-solving spaces where students can work together on projects.
Employee surveys Use employee survey data from one area to identify other potential areas for innovation and improvements within the company.


  1. Eliminate/Minimize: Identify elements that could be eliminated or minimized to streamline a process or improve an idea. Ask, “What if I removed X? How could I simplify this?”
Original Elimination
Restaurant menu with many options Create a simplified menu with fewer dishes, focusing on quality rather than quantity.
Banking services with physical branches Transition to fully online banking to reduce overhead costs and provide more convenient services to customers.
Standardized tests Shift towards project-based assessments that focus on real-world problem-solving skills rather than memorization
Manual paperwork for onboarding Transition to digital onboarding processes to reduce paperwork and save time for both HR and new hires.


  1. Reverse/Rearrange: Consider reversing the order, direction, or arrangement of elements. Ask, “What if I did the opposite of X? How could I rearrange the components?”
Original Rearrangement
Traditional classroom layout Arrange classroom furniture in a circle to encourage more interactive and collaborative learning.
Hotel check-in process Implement self-check-in kiosks in hotel lobbies to expedite the check-in process and enhance guest experience.
Classroom Layout: Rows of desks facing the front Arrange desks in small groups to encourage peer interaction and collaborative learning.
Team Structure: Hierarchical reporting Implement cross-functional teams to encourage collaboration and idea-sharing across different departments.


Bringing It All Together

Source – Miro

SCAMPER is a versatile tool, and these examples are just a starting point, and by systematically applying these prompts to your current processes, you can generate new insights and improvements. Remember to approach it with an open mind and be willing to explore unconventional ideas.

Please note that this tool is not for idea selection but for idea generation, so no idea is stupid and the more ideas the better.

Click here – SCAMPER Template to download a template.

Stay in the know!

Coming in Fall 2023, the AC Way team will be releasing our Intro to AC Way course, and our knowledge center will be going live Late Fall/Early Winter 2023! Stay tuned to the AC Way Blog for sneak peaks and launch announcements.


Updates and DMAIC Framework!

What Are We Working on at the AC Way?

1. Making Improvements with CAL Test Services

In this project, the CAL Test Services team applied the DMAIC framework to work towards improve scheduling painpoints for accommodated exams. Through process mapping in the Measure phase, we uncovered a surprising realization that 30+% of exams were scheduled based on unconfirmed information, leading to no-shows, cancellations and other scheduling painpoints.

By delving into the root causes during the Analyze phase, we discovered that faculty faced challenges to confirm test date/time due to the way that the system sends email notifications and inaccurate delivery during spring/summer. To drive improvement, we focused on enhancing clarity by simplifying all the CAL communication about the test booking process, making changes to the test booking faculty user-experience and empowering students to cancel unnecessary bookings.

This project is still underway in the spirit of continuous improvement as we work towards a smoother and more efficient exam booking process. Overall, this journey involved embracing the power of DMAIC (see more below), unveiling insights, and carefully choosing improvement areas!

2. Revamping the “Introduction to the AC Way” Online Course

We’re thrilled to announce that a revamped version of our “Introduction to the AC Way” online course is in the works! Set to launch in September, this course will provide you with comprehensive insights and practical knowledge to enhance your Continuous Improvement journey. Stay tuned for more details on how to enroll. In the meantime – you can always get refreshed with the DMAIC framework which we will review in the introductory course!

Download a copy of the DMAIC framework here.

3. Building up the AC Way Community

We believe in the power of communication and knowledge-sharing! See below how you can stay in the loop.

Stay in the know!

In June this year, we started rolling out regular communication initiatives including blog posts, workshops and AC Online postings to keep you engaged and informed. You can do so by staying tuned to the AC Way Blog or by continuing to checking updates on My AC.


AC Way Refreshed – Continuous Improvement

AC Way Refreshed – Continuous Improvement

Coming in Late Summer 2023, the AC Way team will be releasing just-in-time training, workshops and resources related to Continuous Improvement, Lean, Six Sigma and change management. With the AC Way Refreshed approach approved and endorsed by ACLT in December 2022, the team will introduce monthly content in a new and inspiring manner that highlights activities and resources around five key areas of continuous improvement to drive value to our learners and staff. Stay tuned to myAC announcements for details and check out the website to learn more.

AC Way

What is the AC Way?
The AC Way is a method of working at Algonquin College that encourages all employees, partners, and stakeholders to maintain a continuous improvement mindset. The primary focus is on improving the student, learner, and client experience, aiming to make processes more efficient, and generating value through engagement and innovation. AC Way is a people-first way of thinking and not solely an office or group of people. It’s a framework that uses various continuous improvement tools and best practices, rather than solely Lean methodology, to improve day-to-day work.

About the team
The AC Way team is led by:

  • Caleb Hui, Manager of AC Way, Change Management & HR Reporting
  • Lauren Jatana, Continuous Improvement & Change Management Specialist
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The team is also integrated with HR Reporting, which is composed of:

  • Josephine Mbene, HR Process Analyst
  • Chantal Dubé, Human Resources Workforce Analyst & Workday Liaison
  • Nancy Caithness, Human Resources Workforce Analyst

Service Offerings
The AC Way team facilitates continuous improvement projects, provides data visualization and reporting, offers tools and resources, and assists with change management initiatives. They provide resources like templates for continuous improvement projects, training for continuous improvement, and a framework for how they approach their projects, which is based on an evolution of the DMAIC framework from Lean Six Sigma​.
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