Intro to AC Way Course

The refreshed Intro to AC Way Course is here!

Words that say "Introduction to AC Way" with green and gold blurry lights in the background

We are excited to announce that a refreshed Introduction to AC Way course is here! Starting today, all employees will be able to access this self-directed 60-min course through the Employee Learning Catalogue (here).

What will I learn?

The Introduction to AC Way course is a 60-min, self-directed introductory course that will help you understand what the AC Way is. In the refreshed version of this course, we emphasize how the AC Way has made a difference at Algonquin College over the years and demonstrate how continuous improvement methods apply in a college setting. You will find two real examples that illustrate how different teams at our college have used the AC Way to make meaningful improvements for students and employees.

In addition to practical examples, you’ll also learn some theory. We’ll explore the eight types of painpoints using the WISDOMTO acronym; Learning about the 8 types of painpoints helps us identify areas for improvement in our processes. After you learn how to pinpoint painpoints, we introduce you to the DMAIC framework. DMAIC, which stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control, is a versatile framework for continuous improvement problem-solving. It guides you through the steps to define a problem, unpack why the issue occurs, and ultimately work to improve a process and eliminate painpoints.

As you finish this course, our goal is for you to not only grasp what the AC Way is but also to feel excited about learning more about continuous improvement. We hope you’ll be eager to explore further and try out some of the new tools, templates, and training that will be available in the next few months. Your journey of continuous improvement is growing and we look forward to joining you along the way.

Who should take this course?

We recommend that everyone who works at Algonquin consider enrolling in this course at your own convenience. This course may be particularly appealing if:

  1. You have no experience with Continuous Improvement or the AC Way
  2. You have experience with continuous improvement, but desire to see it more from the lens of a college or service context
  3. You have previously received training on the AC Way at Algonquin, but want to increase your familiarity with the new problem solving framework (DMAIC) and revisit the 8 types of painpoints (8 types of waste) reframed with the WISDOMTO acronym

How do I access the course?

The course may be directly accessed through this link on the employee learning catalogue

Stay in the Know + Future Initiatives

Next, we are working on are huddle resources and a brightspace Knowledge Center (tools, templates, training) that will be available in the coming months. Stay tuned to My AC and our blog (here) on the website for more information.


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