
Student Volunteer Awards

A student who creates change.
A volunteer who always goes above and beyond.
A leader who inspires those around them.

Does this sound like you or someone you know? If so, nominate yourself or a fellow student for one of our Student Volunteer Awards! These annual awards celebrate students in the AC Hub volunteer network who create change on campus or in their community.

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The Tip of the Iceberg: Getting Started with Self-Compassion

hands making a heart shapeValentine’s Day is a great opportunity to show you care for that special someone – yourself! Loving yourself goes hand-in-hand with self-compassion – the practice of turning inward, accepting yourself, and honouring who and where you are in this moment.

Self-compassion means understanding that you are good enough as you are, not just because you have a particular trait or possession. It means treating yourself with kindness, particularly your mistakes or what you consider shortcomings.

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Community Project Highlights (January)

Our #ACvolunteers started the year strong by welcoming students to Algonquin at Winter Orientation, making delicious meals for the community, and much more! Here’s a look back at a few of the ways our volunteers made a difference this January… Read more >

Confidence on Campus

Algonquin Student Commons

With the first month of Winter term under your belt, you’re starting to hit your stride on campus – you’ve picked your go-to study spot, filled your agenda with upcoming events, and know the warmest routes to all your classes. As you settle into a routine, it’s a perfect opportunity to explore the services that can help make the most out of the semester, and bring you confidence on campus. Read more >

Call for Donations!

This Reading Week, Algonquin students and employees will be participating in service-learning trips abroad as part of Global Projects. Check out the priority items that are needed by our partner volunteer organizations and see if you have items to donate. Read more >