
Mid-term Break: Everything You Need To Know!

The Fall Mid-term Break is approaching! What does that mean for students?

Historically, Algonquin College has offered a Mid-term Break for students to catch up on their studies and assignments, check-in with themselves, seek out supports to help them succeed, and take a break from the day to day class schedule. This year marks the first time this break will be offered every term, including the Fall.

What You Need to Know:

The Fall Mid-term Break is October 21 – 25. This means that for most students at all three campuses, there are no classes during this time. If you are unsure if your program has a Mid-term Break, please check with your Program Coordinator.


Set Yourself Up for Success:

Staying in Ottawa over the break? Check out what’s happening around campus during and after the Mid-term Break!


All Student Support Services will be open during regular hours to help support students. Student Support Services offers a variety of supports including help with academics, career and employment, mental health, accessibility, and more!


Events and Programs

On-going: Volunteering Opportunities

There are many opportunities for you to get involved in! Community Projects are an initiative between the AC Hub and not-for-profit organizations across Ottawa, where students donate their time and give back in a variety of capacities. At Algonquin, we encourage students to be active citizens who are engaged not just with their school, but also with the community around them. Volunteer opportunities available outside of the College are shared on the volunteer database.


October 21: RISE to Success Student Conference

Falling behind? Worried about your academics? Want to ace the rest of the term? Joinref=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”> RISE to Success, a one-day student conference to help you soar to your potential. The day will feature study-skills workshops, self-reflection, goal-setting exercises, and more! Learn something new and set yourself up for the rest of the term.

October 28: AC Re-Connect

The AC Hub wishes you a warm welcome back to campus after the Mid-term Break. Find your groove with mini-workshops, pop-up activities, and your favourite fall treats at AC Re-Connect

Tip of the Iceberg: Finding Work-Life Balance

“I get stressed from juggling classes and my part-time job. How do I balance school, work, and life?”

As a college student, there are so many things to juggle that this can start to feel like a common dilemma:

I say if you’re forced to choose only two, then sorry– you’re doing it wrong.

Follow these 5 tips to improve your work-life balance:

1. Make sure your ‘anchors’ are in place.

What are anchors, you ask? Basically sleep, meals, and other healthy habits like exercise. It sounds basic, but these things underpin your quality of life, not to mention your productivity. If you’re lacking in these areas you’ll start to become overwhelmed, and college becomes a treadmill set to max. So have a consistent sleep schedule, Google easy/cheap/healthy recipes, and if you don’t have much time to work out, at least get out for a walk once in a while.

2. Make a weekly schedule.

First, click here for a schedule template.

Next, fill in your schedule in the following order:

  • Fixed commitments (such as classes, work, and commuting)
  • Healthy habits (sleep!)
  • Homework time
  • Everything else (like errands, seeing friends, etc.)

When in doubt about how many hours you need, overestimate. Be specific: assign each block of time to a class. Most students who do this find it’s a bit like a puzzle, but after a few tries, they can make everything fit. If you find that you don’t have enough hours in the week, you may have to make some lifestyle changes.

3. Use a To-do list.

Write a list of everything you have to do, not just school stuff. If your list is so long that just looking at it gives you anxiety, break it down into four sections according to this chart so that you can tell at a glance which items are priorities. Try the app Evernote for added practicality.

4. De-Stress.

It’s normal to feel stressed and overwhelmed when you’re spread too thin. Nip it in the bud before your stress gets out of hand– check out this stress management guide. Remember, figuring out how to have work-life balance that works for you is always a work in progress, so don’t get too discouraged.

5. Ask for help.

There’s a lot of Algonquin staff you can meet with to help you cultivate better work-life balance or improve your routine. For example, Student Success Specialists or Counsellors can be a great starting point.

Good luck!

By Eliza Brown, Counsellor for Counselling Services at Algonquin College.

4 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started College

Beginning or returning to college is such an exciting time in your life. New classes, classmates, and maybe even a new city. With so much going on at Algonquin, it can be a lot to take in, and maybe even a little overwhelming – and that’s ok! I’m here to break down the top 4 things I wish I knew before starting college. Read more >