Want to Work Somewhere Awesome? The AC Hub is Hiring!

Do you enjoy helping fellow students?
Are you returning to Algonquin College in the fall?
Want to build leadership skills, grow your network, and get experience for your resume?

The AC Hub is recruiting awesome students (like you!) to join our team as Student Navigators at the Ottawa campus. The AC Hub is all about actively engaging students in Algonquin College’s culture. When you’re part of our team, you have the opportunity to:

  • Help new students transition to college life
  • Support your peers and the College community by providing friendly customer service and helpful information
  • Promote workshops, activities, signature events (you’ll be that person in-the-know!)
  • Work on campus
  • Get involved in volunteer opportunities
  • And so much more!

Interested in joining our team? Click the button below to learn more and apply by Monday, April 22, 2019!

Apply Now


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