Volunteer Spotlight: Prerana Malik

Prerana decorating Christmas tree

Some of the best memories are made while making a difference – just ask Prerana Malik, one of our Community Project volunteers. For Prerana, volunteering at Ronald McDonald House was an opportunity to experience a new tradition while giving back to our community.

Having seen many movies where people decorate trees for the holidays, Prerana always wanted to decorate one herself. She got the chance to do that for the first time at the Ronald McDonald House Community Project, where volunteers came together to help make the house festive in time for the holiday season. “It was an amazing experience,” she says. “I had a lot of fun while setting up the tree, putting up the lights, ornaments, and finally the angel.”

Prerana describes the experience as magnificent, not only because she got to decorate her first tree, but also because it brought smiles to the faces of the children and parents at RMH, who are spending the holidays away from home. “It reminded me of the time when I used to celebrate our local festivals with my family back home,” she says, and it brings her satisfaction to know that she helped share the magic of the season with the families at RMH.

As 2018 draws to a close, we hope you’ll take a moment to look back on the difference and the memories you’ve made this year. From all of us at the AC Hub Volunteer Centre, thank you, and have a happy holiday!


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