Community Project Highlights (October)

In October, we launched an exciting new Community Project partnership with Just Food Farm, treated the animals at Big Sky Ranch to some TLC, and said “thank you” to the disaster relief volunteers in Dunrobin. Check out the highlights below!

Just Food Farm

Volunteers at Just Food Farm

Local food was at the heart of this exciting new Community Projects partnership. Our volunteers lent a hand by harvesting, cleaning, and organizing freshly picked crops at Just Food Farm – where people and projects come together to model and inspire small-scale, viable agriculture initiatives in the Ottawa region. More Just Food Farm photos →

Pop-Up for Dunrobin Disaster Relief Volunteers

Dunrobin Disaster Relief Community Project

Volunteers came together to prepare trail mix, treats, and thank-you cards for the many volunteers and disaster relief workers assisting with the recent Dunrobin tornado relief effort. More Pop-Up for Dunrobin photos →

Stuff a Cruiser Food Drive (Perth)

Food Drive Volunteers

Students in the Police Foundations program organized a campus-wide food drive and raised over 1700 lbs of food to support the local food bank. The volunteers connected with students from all programs, encouraging them to bring in non-perishable foods, stuff the campus police cruiser, and provide much-needed resources to The Table Community Food Centre ahead of the holiday season.

Waterfront Cleanup (Pembroke)

Volunteers cleaned up the waterfront, campus, and parking lots – working together to create a cleaner and more sustainable community.

Classroom Gardens

Volunteers at the Classroom Gardens Community Project

Our partnership with the Ottawa Network For Education continued, as our volunteers helped build indoor gardens in schools across the city. This Community Project was featured in the Algonquin Times!

Big Sky Ranch Animal Sanctuary

Volunteers at Big Sky Ranch
Big Sky Ranch is a safe haven where animals can recover from their past lives or professions, restoring their trust in humans. Our volunteers treated these four-legged friends to plenty of TLC as they fed the animals, cleaned the pens, and helped maintain this volunteer-run ranch. More Big Sky Ranch photos →

Halloween at Crystal Palace (Perth)

Volunteers at Crystal Palace

Volunteers partnered with the local Civitan club and OPP to provide a safe place for children to trick or treat in the community. Students volunteered to put up decorations at the Crystal Palace in the town of Perth and facilitated Halloween themed activities.

Tree Planting at Muskrat Lake (Pembroke)

Students from planted trees near Muskrat Lake, in support of an exciting initiative by Watersheds Canada, the Muskrat Watershed Council, and the AC Office of Applied Research and Innovation to help restore shoreline health and native plants in the area.


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