The Tip of the Iceberg: Exam Nerves and How to Beat Them

Student writing an exam.

Dear Patti,

I get very nervous when I write exams. My brain starts going a hundred miles a minute and I cannot focus or remember any of my notes. How can I stay calm?

As our emotional mind starts to “spin,” it can take over our logical mind and make it very difficult to think straight. At these times, using the technique of grounding can help you regulate your emotions. Grounding is a coping technique designed to immediately reconnect you with the present moment using your senses, which can help you focus your mind.

When you feel your brain starting to race, try these four grounding exercises:


Take a moment and listen to the sounds around you. Identify 5 different sounds you hear in the room.


Look around the room and identify 5 different colours you see.


Place one of your hands firmly on the table or your leg. With the index finger of your other hand, slowly trace the outline of each finger. Inhale as you trace up the finger, and exhale as you trace down the other side of your finger.


If you have a mint or sour candy (warhead!), this can help anchor you in the moment. A sour or flavourful candy can produce a physical sensation, moving you out of your head and into the present moment.

Spending a few minutes on these grounding exercises can help you calm your emotions, organize your thoughts, and regain your focus. For more tips on how to manage stress during finals, check out the Library’s Studying and Test-Taking and Stress Management online modules.

– Patti, Counsellor


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