#ACGlobalProjects Recap: Guatemala

View of GuatemalaA stunning sunlit view stretched out in front of our #ACGlobalProjects team as they ascended 3,600 metres above sea level into the highlands of Todos Santos. Over the course of the week, our team would help transform that sunlight into solar power, bringing electricity to the local elementary school, community kitchen, and community centre.

For this project, our volunteers joined forces with Light Up the World (LUTW) and Institution Maya de Desarrollo Integral. LUTW provides solar energy to enhance education, make the cost of living more affordable, and establish clean sources of energy around the world.

Video courtesy of Light Up the World

After completing a solar power workshop, our volunteers worked together to set up panels and connect the wiring at the facility, which serves 30 families. This new electrical system will allow the community to use the centre after daylight hours, charge their cellphones and use small appliances.

Volunteers hiking in Guatemala

Throughout the week, our team also explored the area – including a visit to Antigua, a UNESCO World Heritage Site – and experienced amazing hospitality. The community welcomed them with a group circle and BBQ lunch, and sent them off with games, dinner, and a traditional Guatemalan gift (a side-bag), so our volunteers could take a little piece of Todos Santos with them wherever they go.

“This trip was a great way to meet students who have the same passion to help out in any way they can. … I know this project allowed all of us to learn something new. I learned about the culture in Todos Santos, how to install solar panels in particular, and executing a project as team. … I would recommend this experience to students who are looking for a challenge and at the same time, a chance to provide something to people in need.” – David

Check out all the photos in our Facebook album!


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