Student Volunteer Awards

A student who creates change.
A volunteer who always goes above and beyond.
A leader who inspires those around them.

Does this sound like you or someone you know? If so, nominate yourself or a fellow student for one of our Student Volunteer Awards! These annual awards celebrate students in the AC Hub volunteer network who create change on campus or in their community.

As we get ready to recognize our amazing student volunteers at the Student Volunteer Gala on March 26, here’s a look back last year’s inspiring recipients, and what they’re up to now…

Renee Ellison

Renee Ellison volunteering

Renee Ellison (bottom right)

Renee, one of our Volunteers of the Year, held leadership roles at a variety of events on and off campus. She co-founded Algonquin College Yogis, launched the Algonquin chapter of the social entrepreneur group Enactus, and volunteered in the Dominican Republic with AC Global Projects. Since graduating from Business Administration – International Business, Renee has travelled around the world to volunteer with local health and education organizations in India, Thailand, and Cambodia. Today, she is in Vietnam, where she hopes to create a curriculum that empowers children and youth to gain confidence and find their voice.

“Have the courage to listen to yourself over everything/everyone else. I’m not saying it isn’t terrifying going against the grain, but it is worth it. You are your own unique, brilliant light in the world. Give yourself the space (whatever that means to you) to own it and let that light shine.” – Renee Ellison

Yazmin Gonzalez Palacios

Yazmin Gonzalez Palacios Fundraiser

Photo courtesy Michael Clarke, Algonquin Times

Yazmin, a student of Business – Management & Entrepreneurship, started a fundraising effort at Algonquin College for the devastating earthquakes that struck Mexico in 2017. By planning events and bringing together a variety of Algonquin communities, she raised over $2,000 for the Mexican Red Cross, and was recognized with a Volunteer of the Year award.

“We are born to help each other. At the end of our lives, we will have the biggest gift, the satisfaction of knowing that what we did was something priceless for other people.” – Yazmin Gonzalez Palacios

Cassandra Atchison at Student Volunteer Gala

Cassandra Atchison

Cassandra is a tireless advocate for consent, harm reduction, and eliminating violence and oppression in our society. She co-founded ASKEW (Algonquin Students for Kink Education & Workshops) and has donated hundreds of hours volunteering with the Sexual Assault Support Centre of Ottawa.

After receiving our Community Impact Award, Cassandra was recognized with a Student Changemaker Award from the College’s Board of Governors and nominated for Canada’s Volunteer Award for Emerging Leaders.

Joseph Larmour at Student Volunteer GalaJoseph Larmour

Joseph, the recipient of our Dedication and Involvement Award, volunteered countless hours with AC Start and AC Day 1 to help welcome new students to Algonquin College.

From being a Class Rep to participating in a round table discussion with the Deputy Premier, he left a huge mark on his college community before he graduated from Police Foundations. Today, Joseph works full-time at Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

Amanda Wade at Student Volunteer GalaAmanda Wade

Amanda, recipient of our Outstanding Leadership Award, became the first student from the Perth campus to participate in the Student Leadership Program, and worked hard to bring the SLP to the Perth campus.

She served as Class Rep and facilitator of the Good Food Box program, which aims to provide fresh, nutritious food to students at a lowered cost year round, before graduating from the Social Service Worker program.


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