Check In, Quiet the Noise, Find Your Passion.

The Third Thursday Speaker Series sparks ideas and creates community at Algonquin College. Every third Thursday of the month, we bring in local experts and innovators to share stories that inspire and empower listeners. Here’s a look back at the latest talk.

Between Final Assessments and the holiday season, December can seem like one of the busiest times of the year. But December can also be a time of reflection, a chance to check in with ourselves, and an opportunity to imagine our future. To help us do that, our Third Thursday speaker, Transformational Life Coach Taryn Watts, talked to us about finding purpose and balance in this busy world. Her presentation left us with plenty of food for thought (and I’m not just talking about the famous Third Thursday donut wall!).

Above all, Taryn makes it clear that it’s vital for us to check in with ourselves. As we get older, the “noise of the world,” as she calls it, can get really loud and lead us to lose ourselves. In fact, the average person in North America receives more stimuli in one week than our ancient ancestors did in their entire lifetime! No wonder we get lost.

To help bring ourselves back, find balance, and quiet down the noise of the world, we need to ask ourselves the “big picture” questions, such as Who am I as a person? What truly matters to me? and What do I value?

While these questions can seem daunting, Taryn reminds us that we all have the answers inside of us. She explains that the “things that truly make us happy are on the inside, not the outside.” Recognizing this puts the world into perspective and helps quiet the noise. For Taryn, checking in with herself daily means setting intentions (different from a to-do list!), gratitude journaling (even if the entries are the same every day), and “mid-day mind reset” meditations.

Finding what truly makes us happy is not always easy, but the exploration is an important part of the journey. “The things that excite you, that impassion you – follow those things,” Taryn tells us. “They will lead you to your potential.”

As you follow your passion, checking in with yourself is crucial to determine if you’re on the right path. Taryn reminds us to listen to our bodies, as they are always telling us something. She believes that a good sign you’ve found something you’re passionate about is when “your mind is terrified, but it stirs your soul.”

So this December, check in with yourself. Think about what makes you happy, and what matters to you. Create daily habits (no matter how small!) that bring you closer to your purpose. Try to quiet the noise of the world, and look inside to find your passion.

Learn more about Taryn Watts on her website.

By Catherine Aylward, Interactive Media Management Student/Marketing and Communications Student Assistant


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