Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa

Volunteer Position Title: In-School Mentor
Volunteer Time Frame: posted until April 27, 2022

Contact Name: Shelly-Ann McMorris
Contact Email:

Mission: Mentors in our programs are role models that teach by example. The importance of giving and giving back, education, respect for family, peers, and the community are all taught through these life-changing friendships.

The transformation of a child into a confident, concerned, and motivated young person is truly something amazing. Our staff and volunteers take incredible pride in not only the role they play, but in how these children step into their own.

Volunteer Position Description: Our In-School Mentoring Program provides all children with a role model and friend to talk to all from the familiar space of their own school. Bigs and Littles will share experiences and stories of school and growing up for an hour every week.

This program runs in all elementary school across Ottawa. Mentors will spend 1 hour per week with a child during the school year.

We have a greater need for the following areas Kanata, Stisttville, Orleans, Ottawa South, Nepean and Barrhaven.

Volunteer Position Requirements:

  • Police Record Check
  • Training required

How Should Volunteers Apply: Please apply through the website.


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