Images of Text

Wherever possible, avoid using images of text on the web or in your documents because some people will find them hard, if not impossible, to read. For instance, people with reading problems such as dyslexia may struggle to read certain fonts, line spacing or text alignment.

People with low vision who use screen magnification software to enlarge content so they can see it, may also find it difficult to read an image of text. The text can become too pixelated to be legible when the image is magnified. The smaller the text, the more pixelated it will become.

Sometimes an image of text is acceptable

You can use an image of text for:

  • Your organization’s logo
  • Presenting a font when the content on the page is about a particular font (for instance, in a font library)
  • Presenting information in its original format when this is essential to the content (for instance, an image of an historical document).

In cases, such as these, you would be required to provide an alternative text for each image.


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