Colour Contrast

Users with low vision must be able to see the document content when displayed in “High Contrast” mode. Below are some simple ways to test if your documents are visible in High Contrast Mode:

To ensure that text displays well in High Contrast Mode:

  • When choosing font colours, use the Automatic setting. Text that is set to Automatic will render properly in High Contrast mode.

Screenshot of the "select color" pane in Microsoft Word 2010.

To ensure that non-text elements (e.g. images and graphs) display well in High Contrast Mode:

  • Print out a copy of the document for comparison with the screen display

  • Turn on High Contrast Mode: Left Alt + Left Shift + Print Screen

Sample picture of a document in low contrast and high contrast.
  • Check that items are still easily visible, e.g.:

    • Text

    • Bullet characters

    • Graphics

    • Table borders

    • Information conveyed through colour

  • Adjust colour settings accordingly

Note: It may be necessary to switch between High Contrast and regular viewing modes a number of times during this process.


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