Did you check for accessibility?

Word 2010 offers an “Accessibility Checker” to review your document against a set of common and possible issues that users with disabilities may experience in your file.
To use the “Accessibility Checker”:
  1. Go to menu item: File
  2. Select Info in the left window pane
  3. Under Prepare for Sharing, an alert will appear if a potential accessibility issue has been detectedScreen shot of the "prepare for sharing" option under the "info" tab in MS Word 2010.
  4. To view and Repair the issues, select Check for Issues and then Check AccessibilityScreen shot of the "check accessibility" option under the "info" tab in MS Word 2010.
The “Accessibility Checker” classifies issues as:
  • Error – content that makes a file very difficult or impossible for people with disabilities to understand
  • Warning – content that in most, but not all, cases makes a file difficult for people with disabilities to understand
  • Tip – content that people with disabilities can understand, but that might be better organized or presented in a way that would maximize their experience

Keep in mind that these checkers do not check all accessibility guidelines and criteria. You cannot replace responsible usage and best practices with the click of a button.


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