What are my responsibilities?

Academic Progress

It is important to use your time with Academic Upgrading efficiently. In an individualized program it is easy to lose track of time since it is self-paced. To help you maintain satisfactory progress each course has recommended time guidelines for each unit of work and criteria for satisfactory academic progress.

If you are not making satisfactory academic progress your teacher may draw up a progress contract with you or you may be referred to the Academic Access Advisors to consider another goal or you could be discontinued from the course.


Good attendance is related to progress, student satisfaction and program completion. Students are expected to attend all classes. If you are absent for 3 days in 4 consecutive weeks, you could be discontinued from the program. During class you can take a break, however you must attend 45 minutes of each hour to be considered present.

If you are unable to attend class, please contact your teacher(s) and include your name, the date, and the reason you cannot attend.

The first time you are discontinued for absenteeism you may re-apply to the program after a 3 month waiting period, the second time after six months, and the third time after one year.

Returning Learning Materials

Since learning materials are provided for free, it is important that all materials be returned for the use of future students. If you don’t return materials to the J205 office and/or to the course teacher, you will not receive marks or certificates and you will not be able to register for any other courses at Algonquin College. Your student file will be sealed.

Paying Fees

If you are paying your own tuition, it is important to pay on time. If you do not pay on time, you will be discontinued from the program and your file will be sealed. You will not receive marks or certificates and you will not be able to register for any other courses at Algonquin College.


The preamble to Algonquin’s Student Conduct Policy (SA07) states: “All members of the College Community have the right to study or work without undue interference. The College has the expectation that all students and prospective students will conduct themselves in a manner that respects the rights of all members of the College Community, and College property.” See policy for specific examples of student misconduct.

Use of Electronic Devices

As per Algonquin College Policy AA32, “the use of mobile computing devices in the classroom is limited to note taking, accessing course materials, and performing a variety of independent or collaborative exercises assigned by the faculty. Unless approved by the faculty before the class starts, the use of mobile computing devices for personal surfing of the web, downloading of non-course related material, use of messaging software, or gaming is not to take place. Regardless of the activity being performed on a mobile computing device, a student who is asked by the faculty to close the lid of his/her laptop, turn off the monitor or other electronic device, or simply put the device away must comply with the faculty immediately.”