Frequently Asked Questions

Why do people take Academic Upgrading courses?

There are many reasons: to meet admission requirements for college programs; to obtain the ACE Certificate (Grade 12 equivalency) to qualify for a job (including apprenticeships); or to achieve personal goals of improving reading, writing, math and computer skills for work and everyday life.

What courses will I take?

The courses you need to complete will be determined by your individual goals. Many of our students wish to apply to Algonquin post secondary programs so they choose Academic Upgrading courses that match specific College admission requirements (English, math, chemistry, biology etc.) Some students are pursuing the ACE Certificate (grade 12 equivalency) and that requires College Preparation Communication, Intermediate Mathematics, Computer Skills and one other course of their choosing.

Placement tests during Goal Orientation will determine which Communication and Math courses are right for you. Please refer to this chart of Academic Upgrading courses for an overview of what is available: Course Flow Chart and Info Sheet

What are the classes like?

Communication, Math and Computer Skills courses are individualized. This means you will be working with specially designed learning materials on your own with the support of a teacher. Everyone in a class could be in a different place in the course. In Communication courses, the individualized work is supplemented with group activities. There are time guidelines for each unit of work and your teacher will help you to track your academic progress to ensure that you finish the course in a reasonable time.

Biology, Chemistry and Success Strategies courses are run as regular classes (not individualized) with fixed start and end dates throughout the year. Check our Evening Sciences website for information on registering for these courses.

What will my schedule be like?

Your schedule depends on the combination of courses you are taking and it may change throughout your stay in Academic Upgrading.

Daytime students attend classes four days per week on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays (there are no classes on Wednesdays, only Fridays are attended on zoom) between the hours 8am to 2pm. Depending on available space, students are placed in their preferred schedule.

Each evening course runs two nights per week from 6-9pm. Mathematics and Computer Skills are offered every Monday and Wednesday OR Tuesday and Thursday. Depending on available space, students are placed in their preferred schedule.

How long will it take?

This depends on where you start and which courses you need to achieve your final goal. Communication and Mathematics courses are made up of various levels and each level can take 3 to 5 months. Achieving the ACE Certificate (grade 12 equivalency) can take more than a year. Your individual (estimated) timelines will be determined during Goal Orientation following placement testing.

What is the ACE Certificate?

If you complete College Preparation Communication and Intermediate Math, plus two other designated courses, you will qualify for the Academic and Career Entrance (ACE) Certificate. This grade 12 equivalency is an Algonquin College Certificate that is recognized as a grade 12 qualification for college entry, for apprenticeship, and by many employers as meeting their minimum employment standard. College Preparation courses are accepted by Algonquin College programs that have Grade 12 English, math and/or science course prerequisites.

When can I start?

Entry into Academic Upgrading is on a continuous intake basis. The Goal Orientation course typically starts every week. Registration is required.

How much does it cost and how do I pay?

Academic Upgrading is free for most Ontario residents. Funding is provided by the Ontario Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) program or Algonquin’s Institution-Funded Special Bursary Program (ISBP). Application for funding is required to have your fees paid. Directions on this is included in the registration process.

What if I don’t qualify for funding?

If you take two or more Academic Upgrading courses at the same time, you are considered a full-time student. Tuition is $74.31 per week. If you take only one Academic Upgrading course at a time, you are a part-time student. Tuition is $6.30 per hour. There is also an annual IT fee of $87.72. These tuition rates and fees are for the current academic year.

If you are paying your own tuition, you will be given your first fee notice during the first week of class (Goal Orientation). Fees are payable four weeks in advance every four weeks. No refund is available once the four week period has started. Check your financial statement through ACSIS using your Algonquin IT account.

Do I have to buy books or other learning materials?

No. The required learning materials (books) will be lent to you by your teacher or our Module Centre in room J205. It is important to return all loaned materials in good condition so they can continue to be used by other students.

Your technology requirements for Academic Upgrading are a computer or laptop with a webcam, microphone, and reliable internet access. Cell phones and tablets are not compatible with our learning platforms.

What happens during Goal Orientation (GO)?

Goal Orientation (GO) is a one-week introductory course completed by all new daytime students. During GO you will complete communication exercises and mathematics placement tests. The courses you will be placed in will be determined by the results of these tests along with a discussion about your past accomplishments and your goals. You will also be provided with information about Academic Upgrading courses and Algonquin College services. As well, you will explore career options, study skills and learning styles.

What are my responsibilities?

Click here for information about your responsibilities as an Academic Upgrading student.

Are there any other College services I can use?

As an Academic Upgrading student you have access to most Algonquin College services and you are encouraged to use them. For more information about services like our Centre for Accessible Learning and Counselling Services, click here: Student Support Services If you need help with your IT account you can contact our Information Technology Services: Algonquin IT Support

Can I take holidays?

If you have satisfactory progress and attendance, and you have completed Goal Orientation, your teacher can approve a 3-week vacation.

When you need to be away for an extended time, it is best to withdraw from the program. With a withdrawal, you can return to the program during the next six months and you will start at the place you left off in each course. You can withdraw by contacting the Academic Access Centre (room J205), email or calling 613-727-4723, ext. 5722. Don’t forget to return any modules you have.

Who can answer questions about my schedule, funding and tuition payments?

You can access your schedule and fee notices on your online ACSIS account (this will be activated during GO). The staff at the Academic Access Centre (room J205) is available to take tuition payments and answer questions concerning college services, financial assistance and fee schedules.

Academic Access Centre
1385 Woodroffe Avenue
Room J205
Ottawa, Ontario
K2G 1V8
Tel.: 613-727-4723, ext. 5722