New Endowment for Bachelor of Building Sciences Program from BECOR (Building Envelope Council Ottawa Region)

The Algonquin College Foundation is pleased to announce a new $25,000 endowment that was created by BECOR to support students facing financial challenges who are enrolled in the Building Science program in the Faculty of Technology and Trades. BECOR is a nonprofit organization founded in 1988 and is committed to promoting advanced technologies and techniques in the design, construction and performance of the building envelope. The initial disbursement of this fund will take place in the 2014-2015 academic year. Thank you to BECOR for making a difference in the lives of our students today and for generations to come.

Presentation of Bursary Cheque for $25,000 to Algonquin College's Bachelor of Building Science program

From left to right: Chris Janzen, Former Dean, Faculty of Technology and Trades, Algonquin College, Eric Marois, Former Chair, Architecture, Civil and Building Science, Algonquin College, Peter Fridgen, BECOR Board Member, Silvio Plescia, BECOR Board Member, Helene Roche, BECOR President, Tony Colantonio, BECOR Board Member


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