
CBC Radio interview “Women of Power… careers in electric industry”

WPD Update: CBC Radio interviewed Michelle Branigan from Electricity HR Canada about “Women of Power… careers in electric industry”. A huge thank you to Leacross Foundation, Hydro One and Algonquin College’s Workforce and Personal Development for the success of the Women into Electrical Engineering Technology (WEET) Program.
Without these great partnerships, successful programs such as WEET would be difficult to execute. WPD continues to develop strong partnerships to better prepare students in achieving their ultimate career goal.
Please click here to listen to the interview with CBC Radio.

Interested in finding our what one of the graduates from our Electrical Engineering Technology program does everyday?

Brent Blaseg, a graduate of the Electrical Engineering Technology program at Algonquin College is featured in a video produced and featured on Hydro Ottawa’s YouTube channel. In this video Brent outlines what a typical “day in the life” is like being a System Designer with Hydro Ottawa. The video can be found here as well take a look at some of the other interesting and helpful videos found on Hydro Ottawa’s YouTube channel.