April 1st, Graduate Certificate Information Evening

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Looking to accelerate your career with a postgraduate certificate or intensive diploma program?

“What’s a Graduate Certificate?”

– An Ontario College Graduate Certificate requires an applicant to hold a university degree or a college certificate or diploma for admission, building on knowledge and experience gained through previous postsecondary study. Algonquin College offers many different Graduate Certificates from all areas of the College.

“Why should I attend this event?”

– You should consider attending this event if you would like to learn more about how continuing and focusing your studies may help you find the job you want or help advance in your current career.

Discover the exciting potential of postgraduate programs offered at Algonquin College. On April 1st, 2015 we are holding a special information event where you can network and learn more about the variety of post-grad options available at Algonquin College.

April 1 from 6:00pm – 8:00pm in room T102 (Ottawa Campus).

Visit this page to learn more and register for the event – https://www.algonquincollege.com/future-students/2015-postgrads/gradfair/


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