Solar Decathlon FINAL UPDATES!

Saturday, October 12th – update from Rick Briginshaw, Coordinator of the Green Architecture program –

“Hi Everyone,

We just found out that we took FIRST PLACE overall in the Engineering contest, and 6th PLACE OVERAL for the entire competition!!!!

The team is thrilled with those results! See links provided previously for detailed results.”


Friday, October 11th– update from Rick Briginshaw, Coordinator of the Green Architecture program

“Hello Everyone,

Well, after yesterday’s great results, we were brought back to earth a bit today with the Communications and Architecture contests, coming in 8th place in each. Still respectable results, but our team was hoping to do better.

With those results, we have slipped to 8th place overall, still very respectable, and we are hopeful to do well in tomorrow’s final competition: Engineering.

More public tours take place today, followed by an evening reception for all participants, and an open house for all teams to visit each other’s homes and socialize some more.”

For those keeping track here is how we did

  • First place in Engineering
  • Second place in Affordability
  • Tied for first place in Energy Balance
  • Tied for first place in Hot Water
  • Fourth place in Market Appeal.

Check out the results of the Solar Decathlon competition here – . Also, notice that there is a picture of Team Ontario’s house featured on the results page! Great job to everyone from Algonquin College, Carleton University and Queen’s University!!



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