UPDATE 4 – Solar Decathlon commences…….

ECHO House - October 4, 2013 - Visit by Kent MacDonald

Don’t forget to place your vote for the ECHO house as the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon People’s Choice award – Follow this link to register your vote!


OCTOBER 7, 2013 UPDATE – This new update comes from Rick Briginshaw, Coordinator of the Green Architecture program who is on-site at the competition…..

“Hello Everyone!

There has been lots of activity here at the Solar Decathlon over the last few days!

October 2nd – with construction and preparations complete, the students and faculty attended a formal dinner for all the teams, hosted by Bosch, followed by an open house at all the Solar Decathlon houses. The teams got to know each other, and explore each other’s houses, a great learning opportunity for them. In spite of the fact that we are competitors, there is an overriding feeling of camaraderie among all the teams.

October 3rd – Opening Day! Students and faculty attended the opening ceremonies and ribbon cutting in the morning. The ECHO team waved the Canadian flag proudly, and were excited to start showing off their creation! The houses were then opened to the public, and the individual contests began. Students and faculty were honoured to attend a dinner hosted by President Kent MacDonald, and representatives of Orange Coast College.

October 4th – Public visits and contests continued. The site was shut down for a couple of hours due to high winds, but reopened in the afternoon. The team was excited to have a visit from President Kent MacDonald, who toured the ECHO house, along with several of the other houses at the competition site.

October 5th – The ECHO team hosted a formal dinner (one of the standard individual contests) at the house, for some of our sponsors and members of other teams. By all accounts it was a great success.

October 6th – Public visits and competitions continued.

SCORES AND STANDINGS – you can follow along the scores and standings here… http://www.solardecathlon.gov/scores.html

We are currently in 10th place out of 19 teams, but the scores change daily, and as you can see, there is very little separating the top 12 teams.


PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD – we need your help with this! Please vote for TEAM ONTARIO at the Solar Decathlon home page! http://www.solardecathlon.gov/ And please help us by spreading the word around Algonquin College and beyond. If anyone has other contacts that could help us get more votes, please feel free to use them!

Our students are totally engaged in showing the ECHO house, and continue to demonstrate that they are first class all the way.”

Visit our Flikr gallery to see more photos of the ECHO house and it’s current home in Irvine, California.




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