Math Readiness

Are you entering a program that has a math course? Whether it has been a while since you took a math course or you want to review math fundamentals before starting your program, College Math Readiness is here to help!
Math Readiness is a resource designed to help students prepare for their college math courses. It is made up of the following two parts; you can do one or both parts as you choose:
- A self-directed Brightspace course
- A series of workshops covering fundamental math topics
Part 1. Enroll in the College Math Readiness Brightspace course
Take a self-assessment to evaluate your math strengths and weaknesses. Then explore the information in the course to improve your skills.
Click here to self-enroll in the Math Readiness course
Part 2. Register for College Math Readiness Workshops
These live workshops cover fundamental math concepts and are offered in the last two weeks of August and the first two weeks of September.