Artificial Intelligence & Academic Integrity

Learn more about Generative Artificial Intelligence by visiting the links below. The Academic Integrity Office has provided a Responsible Use of AI Guide for students. Come back for continued updated information on this fast-growing topic.

  • About AI
    Artificial Intelligence is an ongoing, fast-growing development in the world of technology and innovation. Learn more about what AI is, what it does, and examples of tools.
  • AI and Academic Misconduct
    Using AI to generate academic content for coursework can be considered an act of academic misconduct. Read more about Generative Artificial Intelligence and how it relates to Academic Integrity at Algonquin.
  • Responsible Use of GenAI – Student Guidelines
    Learn how to be “AI literate” – which means you know how to use AI-generated content and online learning tools in a responsible and academically ethical way.
  • Citing AI
    How can you avoid plagiarism? Find out how to appropriately cite AI content in your coursework.
  • Tips for GenAI Use
    Have another assignment? Wondering if you can use GenAI? Check out some helpful quick tips when looking at using GenAI in your assignments.