Legislated and Mandated Training for Employees

All employees at Algonquin College are required to complete a suite of legislated and mandatory training courses as a condition of employment. Note: employees must have their Algonquin user name and password credentials in order to access the training.

All employees, except other-than-full-time Faculty, are required to completed this training during regular work hours at their regular rate of pay. Other-than-full-time Faculty complete this training on personal time and as such, are remunerated at a rate of $25/hour plus fringe. Employees are required to complete the training one time only; this also applies to other-than-full-time Faculty who renew their contracts.

Below is a list of the training courses, by employee group, including the time allocated to complete the courses. All of these training courses are online/self-directed/asynchronous.

Click on the + sign next to each title for more information about each training course.

TitleDescriptionAllocated Time to CompleteEmployee GroupLink to Training
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information Systems Training (WHMIS)

Owned by: Risk Management
Legislated by the province: Under the Occupational Health & Safety Act
Related Policy: HS01-Occupational Health and Safety

This training course introduces employees to the WHMIS regulations and how to identify and work safely with controlled products and chemical hazards in the workplace.

Please note: This training course is available to employees after their first day of work. Employees are prompted to use their Staff ID Number to access the training. Once confirmed, employees can access a personalized training dashboard that identifies the legislated WHMIS training.

1 hours, 30 minutesAll employeesAccess Training
Ontario Supervisor Health and Safety Awareness (OSHSA) Owned by: Risk Management
Legislated by province: Under the Occupational Health & Safety Act
Related Policy: HS01-Occupational Health and Safety

Among other topics, this training course introduces employees to the roles and responsibilities of workplace parties, duties and rights of workers and supervisors and general workplace hazards.

Please note: This training course is available to employees after their first day of work. Employees are prompted to use their Staff ID Number to access the training. Once confirmed, employees can access a personalized training dashboard that identifies the legislated Ontario Supervisor Health and Safety Awareness training. Note that optional, role-based training offerings are also available.
1 hour, 15 minutes All employeesAccess Training
AODA Accessibility in Customer Service Owned by: VP Human Resources
Legislated by the province: Under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act
Related Policy: AC03-AODA Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation

This course must be completed by all employees. It is comprised of 2 main components.
  • The Code and the AODA describes Algonquin College's rights and responsibilities under the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) standards, as well as how they work together. 
  • Customer Service Standard describes Algonquin College's responsibilities under the Customer Service Standard of the AODA, and provides information on how to provide inclusive services to people with disabilities. 

Why Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) training for employees?

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) is provincial legislation that was passed in 2005 with the goal of removing barriers for people with disabilities by 2025. This legislation is being phased in and has specific deadlines for implementation that the College must meet in order to ensure compliance.

1 hour All employeesAccess Training
AODA Accessibility in Employment for Administrators Owned by: VP Human Resources
Legislated by the province: Under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act
Related Policy: AC03-AODA Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation

This course must be completed by all administrators. It details the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Employment Standard. The Employment Standard will help make Algonquin College workplaces more accessible to new and current employees with disabilities.
15 minutes All AdministratorsAccess Training
AODA Accessibility in Teaching and Learning Owned by: VP Human Resources
Legislated by the province: Under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act
Related Policy: AC03-AODA Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation

This course must be completed by all faculty members, full and other-than-full-time. It details the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR), to provide educators with accessibility awareness training as it related to program or course design, delivery, and instruction.
1 hour FacultyAccess Training
Information Security Awareness and Training Owned by: VP Finance and Administration
Mandated by: Algonquin College, VP Finance and Administration
Related Policy: IT01 – Information Security

This information security awareness and training program has been developed to help you understand how to protect sensitive college information and reduce the risks to our IT assets.

You will have the opportunity to educate yourself about protective measures and initiatives to defend against these risks.

The training course consists of three categories – Required, Recommended, and Role-Based training. 
  • The Required Training modules are mandatory and must be completed. 
  • Additionally, employees are highly encouraged to take the Recommended Training modules. These additional modules cover topics that apply to work and home, such as how to create a cyber-secure home while working remotely.
  • The Role-based Training modules are directed at specific roles within the College. Employees occupying the identified roles are highly encouraged to complete them.
Why Information Security Awareness and Training for employees?

The College’s vision is to be a global leader in providing personalized, digitally connected and experiential learning. To fulfill this vision, it is essential to protect sensitive and valuable College information, including that of our learners and employees, from cyber attacks such as phishing and malware infections.

To achieve this goal, the College, through Information Technology Services (ITS), has initiated this online Information Security Awareness Training program to equip our learners and employees with the knowledge they need to make them aware of what to do when faced with these real threats.
30 minutes All employeesAccess Training
Sexual Assault/Sexual Violence Policy AwarenessOwned by: VP Student Services
Mandated by: Algonquin College, VP Student Services
Related Policy: SA16 - Sexual Assault/Sexual Violence

This mandatory training course introduces all employees to Algonquin’s Sexual Assault/Sexual Violence Policy (SA16), in order to raise awareness about College protocols and procedures, and to provide information and supports to employees when responding to incidences of sexual violence within the College community.

Why Sexual Assault/Sexual Violence Policy Awareness Training for employees?

In March 2015, in response to statistics of physical and sexual violence against women reported by The Canadian Women’s Foundation, Statistics Canada and Colleges Ontario, the province of Ontario launched It’s Never Okay, an action plan to stop sexual violence and harassment across the province. As part of this plan, all Ontario Colleges collaborated in the development of a common Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence Policy and continue to participate in a province-wide awareness campaign.

As a result, Algonquin College is committed to ensure that:
  • those who experience sexual assault or sexual violence are believed and supported when they come forward to report the assault;
  • Algonquin College has a process of investigation that is fair and respects and protects the rights of individuals;
  • individuals who have committed an act of sexual assault or sexual violence are held accountable.
1 hour All employeesAccess Training
Managing with Anti-Racism in Mind

Owned by: VP Human Resources
Mandated by: Algonquin College, VP Human Resources
Related Policy: HR24: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Managing with Anti-Racism in Mind is a series of self-directed online learning modules, specifically developed for people leaders who supervise, lead, and direct staff at Algonquin College. 

This course will focus on key management concepts and responsibilities which support the interruption of discrimination experienced by employees from Equity Deserving Groups. In this training you will learn new and foundational skills in inclusive leadership, allyship-based coaching basics, and anti-racism.

3 hoursPeople LeadersAccess Training

Please note that employees must have valid AC credentials in order to access these training courses. If employees have their credentials but are still unable to access the training, please contact employeelearning@algonquincollege.com